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What makes a good gift?

When we look for gifts, there is a tingling sensation at the back of our minds, making us think if the receiver of our gift will understand a deeper meaning behind it.
gift season ideas
Meaningful presents are a wonderful move at any occasion. It shows you did put in the effort not just to buy a gift but to think it through.
This is the essence behind good corporate gifts. They convey a message with no words.
It is this kind of deeper, speechless communication that a lot of people crave in our days. It almost shows intimacy that doesn't require spoken or written explanations.
So how do you go about selecting a meaningful gift? In this article we try to help you set your priorities and choose wisely.

1. Know who you buy for!

Say the names of the people you are planning to buy gifts for. Mentally get into an image of them receiving it. 
Is it a lover, a coworker, a parent? what do they appreciate?

2. What do you want the receiver to feel?

gift feelings how to choose
There are many emotions a gift can trigger. Some are general, for example a luxury gift will make a person feel happy. Some are more personal and that's what we aim to achieve here. What memories would such a gift trigger? Which words will come to the receiver's mind? what images will he or she form?

3. Choose a piece with a story.

Our minds can quickly understand correlations, but struggle to get deep meanings in an instant. For presents it's better to convey a meaning with a metaphor. For example a craft product will show meanings of mastering an art, perseverance, strong character etc. Choosing a gift that ahs a strong story behind it will reinforce the meaning you wish to convey.
Craft gifts

4. Add a card...

To avoid confusion, and make sure the gift does what you intended it to do, write a card. If you want to show love, write it. If you prefer a poem, an old speech to instill team spirit with a corporate gift, write it. 
The choice of products for any gift is almost endless. With a few clicks and words you can search for anything. 

Suwada, your go-to destination for gifts.

Here you can find products made in small batches, by hand, with an emphasis on quality and longevity. With new products added frequently, we try not to just keep our standard high, but to push it even higher and deliver only the best to you.
Explore our selection today, and think how you could convey the meaning you wish. We help you by doing the gift wrapping and writing your wishes on handmade Japanese washi paper for a unique combination of craft and premium feel.
We are at your disposal if you need advice about our products. If you wish to purchase gifts for a large number of people, please get in touch to ensure we can deliver them in time and prepared the way you want.
Enjoy shopping!
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