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Saving the Planet and Your Wallet: The Environmental Benefits of Buying Products That Last

In a world that’s rapidly becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of consumerism, it’s becoming increasingly important to consider the lifespan of the products we buy.

By opting for items that last longer, we not only reduce the amount of waste we produce, but we also reduce the amount of resources we use to create new products.

In this article, we will explore the environmental benefits of buying products that last a long time, and highlight the importance of selecting companies like Suwada, which make quality products designed to stand the test of time.

The problem with disposable items

Many everyday household items are designed to be used only once or a few times before being thrown away.

For example, items like plastic cutlery, disposable razors, and even nail clippers are typically used a few times before being discarded. While it might seem like a small issue, the problem is that these items quickly accumulate in landfills, where they can take hundreds of years to decompose.

The impact on landfills

In the US alone, over 250 million tons of waste are produced each year, with approximately 55% of this waste ending up in landfills.

While some of this waste can be recycled or composted, a significant portion is made up of single-use items that simply can't be reused or recycled. As these items accumulate, they take up valuable space in landfills, where they can leach toxic chemicals into the soil and groundwater.

The impact on drinking water

In addition to polluting the soil, landfill waste can also contaminate drinking water supplies. This is because many of the items that end up in landfills contain harmful chemicals that can seep into the ground and pollute the water.

This can have serious consequences for human health, as exposure to these chemicals can cause a range of health problems, including cancer, neurological damage, and birth defects.

The impact on oceans

The problem of disposable items isn't just limited to landfills.

Many of these items end up in our oceans, where they can cause serious harm to marine life. For example, plastic bags, straws, and bottles can all be mistaken for food by marine animals, leading to choking, entanglement, and suffocation.

Even smaller items like cotton swabs and cigarette butts can cause harm, as they break down into smaller pieces that can be ingested by marine animals and enter the food chain.

The impact on Africa

The problem of waste isn't limited to developed countries like the US and Europe.

In Africa, for example, the amount of waste produced is growing at an alarming rate, with many African countries struggling to manage their waste effectively. As a result, much of this waste ends up in unregulated landfills, where it can have serious environmental and health consequences.

The benefits of buying products that last

Given the environmental impact of disposable items, it's clear that we need to shift our focus towards products that are designed to last longer. By investing in products that are built to last, we not only reduce the amount of waste we produce, but we also reduce the resources needed to create new products.

This can have a significant impact on our planet's health, as it helps to conserve resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect our natural habitats.

Adopting minimalism

One way to reduce our environmental footprint is to adopt a minimalist lifestyle. This involves reducing the amount of stuff we own and focusing on quality over quantity.

By selecting a few high-quality items that are designed to last, we not only reduce the amount of waste we produce but also free up our time and money to focus on the things that truly matter.

One company that exemplifies the importance of quality and longevity is Suwada among others.

This Japanese company has been producing high-quality nail clippers, scissors, and other beauty tools for almost a century.

Suwada's products are handcrafted using traditional techniques, and the company places a strong emphasis on quality and durability.

Suwada's nail clippers, for example, are made from high-quality stainless steel and are designed to last for years. Unlike cheaper nail clippers that may break or become dull after a few uses, Suwada's nail clippers are built to withstand regular use and can be sharpened if needed.

By investing in a pair of Suwada nail clippers, customers can avoid the need to replace their clippers every few months, reducing the amount of waste they produce and the resources needed to create new clippers.

In China alone there are over 1 billion nail clippers made every year. If you add the production of all the other Asian countries alone you'll reach a number about twice as large.

In addition to the focus on quality and durability, Suwada also places a strong emphasis on sustainability. The company is turning to eco-friendly packaging materials, and their products are designed to be easy to repair and maintain, further reducing their environmental impact.


The environmental benefits of buying products that last cannot be overstated.

By opting for high-quality, durable items, we can reduce our environmental footprint, conserve resources, and protect our planet's natural habitats.

While it may be tempting to opt for cheaper, disposable items, the long-term costs to both our environment and our wallets are simply not worth it. By adopting a minimalist lifestyle and investing in quality products, we can not only reduce our impact on the planet but also add more value and quality to our lives.

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