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What you'll discover

Made by real people

Seasoned artisans in Tsubame-Sanjo, Niigata, make these products with focus and meticulous care.

Designed and made in Japan

Designed, prototyped and manufactured in Japan. We promise that most of our products are made in Tsubame-Sanjo, Japan. If not, they're made in Europe.

Fast Shipping

Your order is shipped as soon as possible on the day, or by 3pm the next day. We work with UPS, and in rare cases DHL and Bpost International.

Secured Payments

Latest encrypting technologies applied for your security. 100% guarantee.

Fast Dispatch

Your order shipped within a business day.

Quick Support

By phone, chat or email.

Inside the Factory

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Ikebana course

Are you interested in the art of Japanese flower arrangement? We went to Noda Creations for a course, and couldn't recommend it enough!

Learn more
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